Baby Weight: 4 lbs. 1 oz. FAT BABY!
Momma Weight: 163 lbs. (no new weight gain)
Baby Heart rate: 147 bpm
Momma Blood Pressure: 124/78
A wonderful profile shot… She was opening and closing her mouth, but we caught her while closed.
She is showing us her fist and arm at the top… and it looks as though her mouth is open.
Fist through foot! She has giant feet… must take after daddy… Her fist is so powerful that she can break through body parts!
very cute, fat baby! are these the last sonogram pics before the real life ones?
because she is measuring to weigh a bit more, I will have ONE more sonogram at about 36 weeks. they say it really is nothing to worry about, as she may have had a growth spurt and they caught her right after… she may come out smaller than we think.
Some doctors don't even do a 30 week, so we got lucky.
how big do they think your baby is going to be at this point?