I find myself saying pretty regularly before, during or after lessons or class, “And this is why I have the best job in the whole world!” It’s when a preschooler has adorned me with a fashionable cape during a scarf song. It’s in a piano lesson as a student sings along to a Hamilton song I’ve arranged specially for him. It’s when a toddler claps wildly with the final ukulele strum of any song I’ve played during her class.
As we head full force into the busy season of back to school, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we prepare. Yes, we buy the rainbow spectrum of poly folders and sharpen up our Ticonderogas, but more than that, we wonder and worry, is our child prepared for this next phase? Parenthood comes with a lot of temptation to compare. Is he walking? Has she taken an interest in the potty? What milestones have been reached? And while most of these questions or comments are delivered with good intentions, it can leave a parent doubting themselves, particularly if their child is developing atypically.
I have been at Developing Melodies just over a year now. In that time, no two classes or lessons have been the same. Even when two students are on the same song in the same piano series. Even when I’m using the same theme for two Tiny Melodies classes on the very same day. Because, in these situations, I’m not delivering instruction to passive participants. I’m facilitating an experience in which we are all active participants, so the way we respond to one another will change the trajectory of an activity. Kids show a particular interest in a certain element, so we run with it. A child who has been testing out steps begins to walk the length of the room during a song, so we cheer him on, follow his lead and repeat the song to keep encouraging him.
No matter the milestone your child is working towards, no matter your child’s interests, strengths and opportunities for growth, our doors are open. We’re developing melodies, but we’re also developing the whole child. (With a boppin’ soundtrack to support it!) Our next Tiny Melodies session begins soon. The theme is Back to School, which means our themed songs, activities and books will be school themed: colors, counting, etc. But that’s just the theme, not the expectation. There will be no tests or milestone checklists. Just a big room full of friends, instruments and opportunities for you and your child to engage and explore wherever they are right now. We’ll save you a spot.
The opportunities to adapt and respond to each individual child to facilitate an experience unique to each one, that is truly why I have the best job in the whole world.