As summer begins to wind down, Farrah appears to be winding up! She is all go go go and we just can’t stop her. Nor do we want to! She is now walking everywhere, and prefers this to crawling in pretty much every situation. She chases the cats around, climbs up and down the stairs, and absolutely loves loves loves water! She is also beginning to get bored being at home all of the time, so we are trying really hard to get her out as much as possible. It’s pretty difficult with the hot days we are getting, but we are trying!
I’ve also been researching a lot of different crafts that we can do together, so I am so excited to start on those as the days start to cool down and we cant go outside anymore. I found some GREAT websites and wonderful people to help me on my way. So excited.
Here we are in uptown Normal this past weekend. There is a snazzy new water fountain that we can walk through, so we did!
Here we are helping Daddy cook breakfast, you can be sure that this particular activity turned mommy into a raving kitchen psycho and bought a lot of “Farrah-size” kitchen utensils. Now we can make COOKIES!
We went to the park, Farrah found the water… oops 🙂 I was unable to get the really good picture, where she stuck her face right into the water shoot. Awesome!
Our nightly adventure… around the block in my snazzy wheels. Be sure to protect your eyes from the sun!
Swimming time! Not often enough, but it happens!
that water fountain looks fun! glad to hear that little farrah is enjoying life as a "walker"!