Rotating Baby Update

I think rotating baby has a headache… Mommy has a acid reflux… or something nasty in her throat when she burps 🙂  Could this actually cause rotating baby to be hurt?Poor, poor rotating baby. 


Gender: Female!Weight Gain: 17 lbs totalBelly Size (or whatever) 21 cmBlood Pressure: 112/66Walls: Still white (but small sticky notes of colors and samples line them)Floor: Measurements at 1pm today!

All Pink All the Time!

It may take some getting used to, but I feel that I may actually grow accustomed to all of this pink stuff!  Why not try it simple, like on the blog, in an effort to ease my way into things.  In HER room there will be pink, or purple (as I have slowly grown accustomed...

It’s a girl!

Well here she is!  Today Michael and I received the information that we have been waiting for!  We learned that rotating baby, flash, or whoever is now a girl!  So Flashette is more appropriate… Flashette Gordina! HA!Anyway, we sat today in awe as we watched her...