New adventures!

As summer begins to wind down, Farrah appears to be winding up! She is all go go go and we just can’t stop her. Nor do we want to! She is now walking everywhere, and prefers this to crawling in pretty much every situation. She chases the cats around, climbs up...

Some Stuff :)

This is me climbing up my new slide! I like to go up the slide side, turn around, and go back down. Sooo much more fun that way. Daddy and his Princess Roar! Look at Me!


It is official! We are now on our feet more than our hands and knees! This is a huge relief, as mommy and daddy were sick of being so low to the ground all of the time 😉 It is so nice to be able to walk down the street and hold hands 🙂 I dont have a good video right...

Pictures, In no particular Order

Tunnel Time! Miller Park Zoo Holy Hair! Camden Aquarium… Shark Tunnel! Camden Aquarium, Four Generations Farrah’s Baby Naming Family Portrait: Parents Yard A REAL NY bagel Miller Park Zoo! Port Docks Toledo Zoo… Arctic Adventure (I see some...

Florida 2010

The beach! 🙂 I’m coming to get you! I am such a little stinker 😉 Popi, PopPop and baby Hi! I’m in Florida! Four Generations Swimming in the big girl pool Mommy and Daddy and Baby (A prequel to summer) It was fast… frantic… but FUN! Farrah took...