Our First Thanksgiving!

This year we decided to just keep tradition going and head off to the east coast for Farrah’s first Thanksgiving celebration. All was planned perfectly: watch the parade in the morning, meet with friends, have dinner, meet more friends, and then the next few...

6 month stats!

My first tree while hiking on Jerry Day.Me and my fam while hiking on Jerry Day.Here is my new door jumper… I FINALLY fit in it… sort of… Thanks Jen!Here is my new high chair… thanks granny. I LOVE IT!I am sure you are wondering where these fun...

Happy Half-Birthday!

Today, I am officially 6 months old…. where did the time go???? So in these 6 months of life… what have a learned so far???1. If I scream at the top of my lungs and hold my breath once in a while, I will get everything I want and need :)2. Avocado is not...

Poor Baby Girl :(

Well, it has happened… that silly not to bad cold has turned into something worse. Farrah now has her first ear infection! And to really stick it to her good… ITS A DOUBLE! Boo on Fluid.Daycare called me yesterday to let me know that Farrah was extremely...

So Much to Report!!!!!

It has been quite some time since we last posted and sooooo much has happened! Farrah is this laughing, smiling, playing, awesome little person and each day she grows and changes more and more! So much so that we can’t stop going out and doing things! She enjoys...